Thursday 20 January 2011

Counting the days

Despite a freezing fog this morning, the day gradually improved until it was a classic bright winter's day when I took Sally for her walk this afternoon. We can hardly wait to get boating again.

Things were even better when I spotted a pair of goldfinches in the towpath hedge above Hoo Mill Lock. According to our bird book, they are supposed to be summer visitors, but this must have been a scarce resident pair. Quite a remarkably good looking bird, and very uplifting to spot.

Sally was less impressed by a juvenile swan that offered offensive remarks, and had to be tidied away into the cut. She nearly pulled me over in her excitement, so we had to have a serious talk, with Sal lying down on her side during it. She stayed on her best behaviour after that for several minutes, but was her bouncy self again by the time we got back to the boat.

The Sainsbury's delivery arrived in good time this morning, so the cupboards are well stocked with the heavier items like milk, fruit juice and beer.

Elanor arrives to collect Sally this evening; we'll miss her tonight, I'm sure, though it will be nice to be able to get up to go to the loo without this anxious black and tan face appearing by the side of the bed afterwards.


Anonymous said...

Swans are very insolent - it's hard for a hound to bear!

Sue, nb Indigo Dream

Martin said...


This isn’t a comment on your post, I’m afraid. It’s just to say “Hi!” You may remember that we dropped in on you in December, and talked about washing machines, since we were thinking of getting one for the Erin Mae. Like so many new narrowboat owners, I suppose, we started a blog ourselves about the adventure. If you want to look, it’s at

Regards, and thanks for all the info on the blog that was a help to us as in the run-up to our own purchase.

Martin, NB Erin Mae

Bruce in Sanity said...

Hi Martin

Good to hear from you, and you're very welcome! I look forward to following your blog (actually, I use the RSS feed, it's easier!)

Good boating, and I hope we manage to meet up again before the end of the winter.

