Tuesday 18 January 2011

What a nice day

We all had a better night's sleep last night, though the reason for some of this became apparent when I found paw prints on my armchair in the saloon this morning. It looks like Sally disapproves of the bed provided, and prefers kipping in comfort on my seat.

We'll have to arrange things so that she can't do that tonight, but we'll provide some extra padding on her bed, just in case she's finding it too hard.

She and I had an excellent walk this afternoon; the weather has been glorious, sunny and fresh. We went across the canal at the carriage bridge below Haywood Lock, and explored the walking options on the other side. Sally was quite keen on chasing some insolent squirrels, but I was reluctant to let her off in view of Elanor's recent problems with recall.

Apart from that, we're plodding on; the noise from the refitting of Crosby next door is becoming frankly tedious. We need to decide if we're going to stay in the marina for February after all, as we'd originally planned. It's really nice having a shoreline and all that, but it's not worth it if the boat is full of drilling and sawing noises all day.

We've not paid for February yet; I think a conversation with Geoff, the marina owner, is indicated sometime soon.


John (Waimaru) said...

I am rather surprised That the marina allow such intrusion. Are they aware of it? At Calcutt, minor jobs are allowed at your moorings, but only if they do not cause inconvenience to your neighbours. Lucky in our case, as for most of the time our neighbours are absent, but if they were there and we had a long and noisy job to do, we would take the boat onto the cut.

Mike said...

The last time we moored at Great Haywood there was quite a row going on about people undertaking major work on their boats and creating lots of noise and dust.
Apparently its against the marina's t&c and some of the regular moorers were in the marina office complaining very loudly to the management.

Brian and Diana on NB Harnser said...

Is this the same marina who wont let you have a bag of coal on the roof?

Bruce in Sanity said...

John: So are we; when we arrived we were given the usual advice about no paid for work other than by the marina staff (with the exception of warranty work), and DIY to be limited to quiet stuff like engine servicing.

Mike: It's a new manager, Steve. I've mentioned it to him once, but didn't get much sympathy "Oh, he's doing a bit of tiling, isn't he? Is it a bit noisy?" Hence the desire to catch Geoff and threaten financial consequences, ie loss of a month's mooring fee if we decide not to return after our trip to Burton.

Brian: Certainly is. On the shiny to scruffy boat scale, this marina is definitely near the shiny end. Nothing on the roof, no drying whirligigs, no aerial poles above a metre high.

Watch this space - could be a few days before we manage to speak to Geoff, especially as we're dog sitting, and don't w ant to leave Sally alone in the boat, so can't go over there together until Friday. It would be a bit dispute escalating to go over there with the Doberman cross in tow. ;)

