Friday 30 November 2012

Still cold

This bright cold weather is very pleasant in its way, but I decided to postpone my shower from first thing in the morning to after I've done this blog post this afternoon, thereby gaining a bit of extra time in bed and avoiding a barely warmed up bathroom.

It's just as well we didn't hang about, as the 10 - 11 Ocado delivery turned up a bit early. Alastair proved to be the usual standard of Ocado driver, seriously cheerful and helpful. The whole delivery was soon trucked down to the boat where Sheila had just managed to finish clearing the thick frost off the pontoon to stop us all falling over.

By the time it was all put away, coffee drunk and internet browsing brought up to date (Canal World can take a big chunk out of your day…) it was nearly lunchtime.

After lunch, we took a brisk walk round the marina, stopping at Midland Chandlers to pick up a bag of kindling and at the Marina Office to swap a duff electric card for one that worked.

Back at the boat, I tidied up the well deck and bow locker, then made a cup of tea. So it's been a day that achieved a bit, as well letting us recover from our recent exertions. Elanor is bringing Sally over for some exercise tomorrow; her usual running places are still underwater, being flood meadows by the Trent and Dove.

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