Saturday 15 December 2012

Recovering ready for tonight

We had an excellent if zany evening of party games, food, wine and good cheer last night. John  and Susi of Still Waters had worked hard to set it all up, everyone brought a supply of nibbly goodies and we all enjoyed ourselves until around half eleven, by which time we were pretty well cream crackered, not to say tired and emotional.


Many thanks to everyone there who made it such an example of good natured merrymaking and especially to John and Susi for the idea and the skilfull execution.

After a leisurely start this morning, we ambled down to the village to buy bread and some crumpets to have when I've done this. Back at the boat, we loafed a bit until lunch, then carried on loafing/dozing until it was time for a walk round the marina.

We'd not long been back when Elanor and Sally showed up, so three of us went to the field to throw the tyre about a bit.

Elanor had brought us a load of post, including some financial stuff that's been keeping Sheila busy since.

In a bit, as I say, we'll have some crumpets to keep us going until we get dinner tonight, and then get ready for the next party.

This is one being staged by the management to say thanks to the volunteers who've been doing various bits and pieces round the marina all year – it's going to be a carry out and, possibly, a small libation or two.


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