Tuesday 22 January 2013

A few days more...

… and then we may see the end of the present cold spell. It's been much drier but a bit colder today; this morning was very pleasant, with bright sun for our walk into the village. It's clouded over now and the humidity has gone up, so it's much less comfortable out, feeling rather raw, in fact.

No matter, the signs are that the wind will go round into the South on Friday, and positive temperatures will reign from Saturday onwards. Eventually, it will rain as well. (Did you see what I did there?)

I popped into the office to buy another electric card; we've still got over £7 on the meter, but as soon as we get the water supply back, Sheila will want to run several washloads to catch up. Sure enough, Lucy in the office told me that, if all turns out as expected, Stuart will be turning the supply back on on Saturday morning.

We've stayed hunkered down for the rest of the day. The books are progressing nicely; at this rate, most of the actual writing will be done by the end of the first week in February, giving us plenty of time to get them formatted up and published before we're thinking of leaving the marina at the beginning of March.

Incidentally, my apologies to those who rely on this blog to tell what day of the week it is; Sally is coming to us tomorrow (and possibly Thursday and Friday as well), as Elanor is on a First Aid course and will find it easier not to have to dash home at lunch time to let her out. So don't panic, today is Tuesday.


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