Sunday 12 May 2013

Another long day (by our standards)

It must be summer – we're getting up before six and the weather has turned wet again. Actually, that's not quite fair, it was lovely at twenty past six when we set off from our mooring at KB. I took care to have the lines undone and the stern floating before starting the engine, as there was a boat tied not far behind us, but this turned out to be a case of good intentions going astray.

The engine started OK but Sanity Again decided she was quite happy where she was and took a bit of persuading to let go of the towpath. In the end I had to shaft the back end well out and reverse off the mooring.

Oh well, there was smoke already coming from the other boat's chimney, so hopefully we didn't wake anyone up.

There followed some very pleasant boating down Wood End, Shade House and Middle Locks and I managed the turn onto the Coventry without disgracing myself. After that I settled down to the long chug, first out of Fradley (doesn't it always take longer than you expect?) through Streethay to Huddlesford and Whittington.

Gradually more boats on the move started to appear, and there were several spots where clusters of boats were tied up in what looked like fairly long stay fashion. I suspect that since CRT got firmer about enforcing mooring limits, those who live aboard and work locally have taken to cruising around in small groups rather than all lurking in one place for weeks on end.

Whether this is better or not I'm not sure; though one advantage is that there are often spaces left on the best visitor moorings.

Sheila took over for a bit between Huddlesford and Whittington, giving me a chance to warm up out of the persistent and chilly wind. I relit the Squirrel to help in this process and we've kept it in since.

We got to Sutton Road Bridge just after half eleven, confirming our rough calculation that we'd need between five and a half and six hours for the run. There were a few boats here, though a couple have since left.

After lunch we walked into the retail park to do mostly non food shopping, bits and pieces we're in need of. We plan to stay here tomorrow to get some serious grub in and to run another washload, then will set off for Alvecote on Tuesday, in the rain by the looks of things. We'll make a brief diversion down the Birmingham and Fazeley to get a pump out at Fazeley Mill.

We had thought to do that at Alvecote, but according to some info from folks on Canal World they are charging £20 for the privilege, which is just daylight robbery by local standards. Using Fazeley Mill means a slightly tricky reverse into the marina but they are nice folk there and we're happy to give them the business once again.

Anyway, it's Sheila's turn to steer…


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