Tuesday 13 August 2013

Dog to dog blog: SWIZZ!

What! What a rotten swizz!

We duly went to Pets at Home for my “pressie” and guess what, it’s a new muzzle ‘cos I’d managed to con Mummy into leaving my old tatty one at home.

That’s just so unfair.

I only need it to persuade little kids not to charge up to me waving sticks, at which point I admit I’m liable to explode a bit.

I’ve never even come near to biting anyone you understand, I’m just noisy, but it does scare the brats small children. I only wear it in busy situations like shopping in town.

Apart from that, we’ve had a rest and recovery day today; could not get the AGPs moving this morning until we went to P@H, then just had a short walk this afternoon. Grandpa went off somewhere on the bus and came back with a load of boring shopping.

I’m still in a strop and can hardly type this. Mind you, Grandpa’s keyboard is a disgrace; half the letters are missing from the keys so sometimes it cones opt lime thus, and it’s really a cheapo Windows keyboard he’s using with a Mac, so you have to know that the Windows key is really the command key and shift 2 makes an @ symbol not double inverted commas, that’s shifted single inverted comma that says @ on it.

It’s a good job I’m an exceptionally intelligent dog or I’d never manage. Why can’t he spend his money on a new keyboard, not waste it on totally unnecessary hound control devices?

Anyway, may have better news tomorrow.

Well it can’t be much worse, can it?

Mind you, did blag two treats out of the check out girl at P@H by putting my paws up on the counter, wiggling my ears and smiling engagingly, not a total waste of time, then.

See you all tomorrow

Loads of licks

Your friend


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Sally, we're OUTRAGED here - how can you visit Pets at Home and NOT have a pig's ear at the very least!

Archie hound likes the "pick n mix" live furries by the counter - pester power if there ever was....

Yours in sympathy

The Indigodreamers (currently Ollie, Henry and Archie hounds)

p.s. our P@H doesn't sell muzzles - result!