Friday 25 April 2014

Dog to dog blog: checking out the AGPs

Hi guys

Have you tried using one of these iPad things? Nightmare! Your claw won't work the touchscreen and you can't get a toe pad onto it. Tried using my nose but it's too big; I suppose a Sheltie might manage, but then you'd have to find a Sheltie that could type. Like looking for a spare sausage in a boarding kennels.

Then I sneezed and blew some bits of carrot all over it and Grandpa went on something chronic. Finally managed to wedge Grandpa's stylus between two toes and do it that way, but it's awfully slow. So apols if this is a bit briefer than usual today.

I'm here to look after the AGPs tonight; dunno why, except Mum was getting out her glad rags yesterday evening, so I'm suspicious that she's going on the razz without me, swizz, swizz.

Anyway, here we are. The AGPs are looking a bit part worn, TBH, Grandpa dopey and Grandma dribbling, she's got a wetter nose than mine. OK, much the same as always, I hear you say, but honestly I do worry about them, though not enough to put me off my food or keep me awake, natch.

We've managed a couple of walks round the marina, caught up with a few old friends, had a run in the field, all that stuff. Oh, and got not one, not two but three treats out of the cleaners. Must remember that Pam is the soft one...

Apart from that, I've had my head down in front of the Squirrel most of the day. The weather's been pretty horrible apart from when we nipped out for walks, so it's the best place to be.

Take care and have a great summer, one and all

Loads of licks

Your friend


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Sally, is that the last we'll hear from you this Summer? I'm sure the AGPs will need some Sally Support to get them through the cruising season...

We're cruising with lots of greyhounds this year because Greygal's new boat can't carry more than two and she has eight - cue Indigo Dream to the rescue!

Hope to meet you one day...

Sue, nb Indigo Dream