Tuesday 9 September 2014

And off we go

We'd decided to come right on to Lyme Green today, a long day's boating by our standards, so got up in good time. The water tank was still three quarters full, no need to top up, and by half eight we were saying goodbye to folk after a brilliant weekend.

I reversed Sanity Again out of the yard and winded her without bumping into One Day which was on the water point. Sheila took over for the long chug. Water levels are a bit better than they were on the way up, thank goodness. There's a bit of traffic around but not enough to be a problem.

It was four hours steady plod to get here; soup was taken en route and a late lunch consumed.

We've had a walk up to the Co-op for some perishable bits and pieces this afternoon.

Tomorrow, on down Bosley to moor at Buglawton again.

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