Wednesday 29 April 2015

Windy outside, quiet within

After the excitements of yesterday, we've been taking it easy today. Indeed, we had a seriously long lie-in, not getting up until well after half eight. After breakfast, Sheila tried her first walk round the marina without the funny shoe, but had to content herself with going the short way to the front. I did my right round bit and joined her there to do some shopping. Milk, in fact.

Back at the boat, I started an Ocado order for delivery next Sunday, hopefully the last one to the marina for a while. It is a case of stocking up with everything we can, including UHT milk and the like. In the same vein, I've ordered a repeat prescription, though it's not due for a while, so as to avoid having to get one sent to me whilst we are boating.

After lunch, we did a bit of loafing before filling in the forms sent to me by the RAF Disclosures Section when I inquired about my father's service history during the Second World War. If you are the next of kin of any deceased service personnel, you can ask for these records on payment of a fee. Graeme has expressed an interest in his grandfather's experiences in the RAF.

We put in another walk round, Sheila this time managing to come the whole way with me, yay! It's a case of getting her foot and ankle back into the habit of flexing normally, so it will take a bit of time but we are getting there.

Tomorrow, we plan to pop into Derby for a celebratory lunch at Wagamama. I just hope the weather stays reasonably dry; it's been largely so today, but with a lot of wind, yet again.

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